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Here is a list of our favorite books and our favorite online bookseller. "Co. Aytch, A Confederate Memoir of the Civil War" By Sam R, Watkins This is a Non-Fiction book and will give insight to the life of a Confederate Infantryman. "Berry Benson's Civil War Book, Memoirs of a Confederate Scout and Sharpshooter." This is also a Non-Fiction book. Berry has a greater affection war for his experiences than Sam. He gives and account of his experiences at the infamous Elmira Union POW camp. You may order either of these books from Barnes & Noble.
This site contains a collection of Civil War Poetry Reading these poems enables understanding of the thoughts and feelings of those who lived during the War Between the States. http://home.att.net/~lah-rbh/civilwar/home.html Visit the Virginia Military Institute Archives Civil War Resources Page http://www.vmi.edu/~archtml/cwsource.html Please visit our Favorite Sutlers Orchard Hill http://www.orchardhillsutlery.com/ High quality and historically accurate items may be found here at an excellent price and customer service. Blockade Runner http://www.blockaderunner.com/ Great prices and excellent customer service Fair Oaks Sutler, Inc. http://www.fairoakssutler.com/ These folks carry some great items. If you make your own uniforms or civilian cloths, you will find a good selection of patterns.
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